I bought a few Lilies in remembrance of you my dear Mum, I know how you enjoyed nothing more than pottering around in your gardens and how they where your pride and joy, you found peace in your gardens and could spend all your time there if you could, I hope you like the Lilies I have chosen for you, one of the Lilies I can't believe has grown bigger than me, its huge the other is normal size, I want to also show you the last plant I got from you, remember the one with the needle sharp leaves, haha I have been spiked many times by this plant but I will not part from it, I don't think it flowered in the time you had it as I can't remember you saying anything about its flowers I think you thought it was just a spiky plant, well it does flower Mum, the flowers are quite unusual I will show you the Lilies and the spiky plant, oh the spiky one grew so big it started to fall over so I had to split it into 7 plants and its one of the young plants that has flowered, I love and miss you Mum and hope you are in a garden full to the brim with flowers you can enjoy, all my love, Frances x x x x x